Why are sweatpants typically worn in winter but jeans can be worn in any season if they both cover your legs? - Quora

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How come white people insist on wearing shorts in 20 degree weather instead of pants? - Quora

Is it too hot to wear leggings in the summer? - Quora

Does wearing leggings under jeans keep you warm? - Quora

Why do guys wear sweatpants in public? - Quora

Is the new trend of normalizing wearing gray sweat pants in public acceptable? - Quora

Is there a reason why girls wear leggings with shorts, but guys don't? - Quora

Which is more attractive on men, jeans or sweat pants? - Quora

Why are sweatpants typically worn in winter but jeans can be worn in any season if they both cover your legs? - Quora

Why have leggings and sweat pants become so popular in the past few years? - Quora

Can one ski without ski pants? - Quora

Why are sweatpants typically worn in winter but jeans can be worn in any season if they both cover your legs? - Quora